In a world in which every little action counts, it is essential for all companies to have a responsible approach.
Reducing our carbon footprint, using sustainable resources, preventing pollution, zero plastic, zero waste, ... All these ecological transitions are a major priority that continues to accelerate.
In this series of 5 articles we will explore the different issues of waste management inside companies.
Waste management is first of all justified from an environmental point of view: the best waste is the one we do not produce!
In a zero waste approach, the 5R is a golden rule. It consists in :
At LivingPackets we want to answer this challenge! our products make possible to Reject cardboard, Reduce carbon emissions (- 85%), as well as logistical waste, Reuse the packaging, which itself is 100% Recyclable. There is nothing left to compost.
To go further, we added an intermediary R that is placed between Reuse and Recycle: Repair all damaged products.
Next episode : 2. Waste management: a legal concern
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