Keep control of your deliveries

Gain serenity and save time everyday with control over your deliveries

icone avion en papier


Create your delivery quickly and without errors

icone localisation d'un colis


Get visibility on your deliveries and be warn if there is any issue

icone parachutage


Follow the receiption of your delivery

Create your delivery

Automatic organization of your shipment in the LivingPackets app

icone checked

Set up your shipment organisation according to your needs in your TMS/WMS or in the LivingPackets app

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Import your address book to fasten your delivery process

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Automatic notification process to send and receive LivingPackets products. Effortless for you and your receipients

Integrated solution

TMS, WMS and Carriers integration

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LivingPackets can be integrated in your TMS/WMS tool

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It could also be connected to your carrier & you can import your insurance contract

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All the technology is available in an API for a smooth integration

Contact us to discover how to integrate our solution


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